
We pride ourselves in providing a relaxing yet professional environment when you choose our practice to have treatment.

All our patients are invited to tell us how they found the practice and if they’d recommend us to their friends and family.
Every day we are inundated with patients taking the time to tell us how well we are doing! The response is overwhelming and every reply is read by our Practice manager who shares with the Team at the practice and also uses it to improve/enhance what we do and how we do it.

We also have glowing feedback on NHS Choices website and were recently recognised as being the  No1  best rated Orthodontic and Dental Providers in the local area – amazing!

A snippet of our fab feedback is below:

Title: My experience has been amazing
Review: My experience has been amazing from what my teeth was until now –  I can actually smile confidently and would recommend teeth in line to anyone.

We hope that all our patients feel just as confident when they have their braces removed!
Don’t take our word for it check out how amazing we are by following the link below:


We are incredibly proud of our reputation and our passion to provide our patients with the very best care shines through all the wonderful responses we receive.

Rest assured you’re in great hands at Teethinline Orthodontics