Helpful tips & advice on how to look after your orthodontic appliances until we can get you back to see us for appointments
Oral hygiene
Ensure that you clean your appliances as you normally would, this means 2 minutes 2 x daily and also use your interbrace brush. It’s so important that you continue to keep your teeth & appliances spotlessly clean. This reduces the risks of decay and damage to your teeth.
Ulcers – keep mouth clean and rinse with warm salt water 3-4 times a day
Wear your elastics or retainers as prescribed.
Keep your orthodontic treatment on track by following the instructions on elastic wear.
Remember not wearing your elastics is like not having petrol in your car, you will not progress! Please wear your retainers or your teeth will move.
Be smart and wise with your food choices.
Due to the potential uncertainty of when your next appointment will be with us, it is very important to be smart and careful with the foods you are eating. Remember to avoid hard, sticky foods, cut up your food, and avoid biting in to apples. Avoid all fizzy & sugary drinks.
Problem with your appliance?
If your appliance breaks please contact the practice for advice but some helpful tips if:
- Wire digging in- use your comfort wax over the part that is digging in to relive this until you come to your next appointment
- Loose bracket – this is not an emergency and can be left until your next appointment
- Broken/lost retainers – please contact the practice straight away
Broken appliance or unsure of any part of your treatment? Even though we are not operating fully we are always at hand to help and give advice, be it through a telephone conversation or email.
Telephone: 01908619060